Escape This Map Tool: C# / Winforms

I created this application as a part of my custom C# tool project towards the end of my 2017 year at AIE. It features loading, saving, drag and drop loading, undo and redo capabilities. The aim of this application was to assist in the quick creation of map files for my friend's steam game. His map files were serialized in normal text format; he had no other way for his players to create maps other than just typing in a new txt file, which was quite tedious.

What I learned

Before this project, I had a limited understanding of Winforms applications. As my understanding improved it was totally cool and interesting to see the different style in code execution.

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Unity Physics Scene

For this assignment at AIE we had to demonstrate our knowledge of how to use Unity's physics functionality to create realistic player interaction with dynamically appropriately weighted objects.
Another major part of the assignment was to create a very capable player controller.

My controller features:

Ability to walk up and down stairs
This uses raycasts and checks for objects around the player that are higher than its current feet y axis location.

Crouching and crouch detection
Player will crouch whilst Ctrl is held, but if you are under something it will not clip into that object on letting go of ctrl, instead it will stay crouched. When it can stand, it will.

Ability to walk up and down slopes
This is pretty similar to the stairs, but it was a tad trickier to get working well.

Ability to walk up and down stairs
This uses raycasts and checks for objects around that player that are higher than its current feet location approximation.

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